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2023, Growing from strength to strength!

Chris Smit

Yes yes yes, I know, it's been a while, BUT to be fair, Osprey has been a fulltime commitment, the manufacturing and fitting side of the business at least, so I do apologise for the lack of blogs this year. So first bit of news, I've finally hired some help!

This year we welcome Louis and Tom to the business, Louis will be learning and assisting with sheet metal and painting whenever he is not shooting footage or pics for our social media, as I have decided that I do not want Osprey to become just another "performance garage" with the same old

posts and updates we regularly see on social media and instead I want to move into a more entertainment type of platform where we can showcase our products and achievements in a fun way, we are also preparing for our YouTube debut, our first build is something really exciting!

Tom has also joined us, he will be learning all aspects of the manufacturing side of the business, he has a natural talent for welding (maybe I'm just a good teacher) and he has taken to fitments like a fish to water. I'm certain with the new rookies on board that Osprey will grow even more within the B58 community.

Goals this year for our development side include, getting the current shop car into the 9s at Santa Pod and possibly test firing our new Drag Car build for 2024 at some point, at least getting it started as we're already 4 months behind schedule on that. We would also like to finally release the S58/B58TU lines into the market place once we have our team at full strength.

I appreciate every person that has ever bought something from us or supported us at the track, I am sure you can see that Osprey has become what it is because of this support and we will only get stronger. Thanks again and catch up soon!


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